With all the legal obligations being implemented by the government of India for the development of our country, maintaining Accounts can be challenging for any business. Our accounting software - SAM (Systematic Accounting Management) makes the book-keeping very convenient with 100% accuracy which saves a lot of valuable resource time.
MLRS-SAM is a specially designed for Small and medium Trading/ Assembling units with integration amongst various modules. This is a perfect solution for Traders as well as High-end Manufacturing plants as it seamlessly integrates all the transactions in Sales, Purchase, Financial Accounting, Inventory Management, Costing, Order Management, GST returns, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss till Balance Sheet.
Being a cloud based Accounting ERP, it needs no installation at the client system and minimal configuration is required to get started. With the collection of large number of reports, the system is self-sufficient run any business, MLRS offers various Custom Reports in graphical representation to add value to the System and to make it more user friendly and a decision making tool.
Simplifying your Trading Business
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The integrated Mobile App, which can be downloaded free from the Android App Store, helps to keep the management up-to-date with Real time reports updates and Customer/Vendor History. The Mobile App is also capable of making emergency transactions like Cash/Bank vouchers and creation of Masters on-the-go with minimal input.
With all the transactions stored in the System, the GSR Returns (3B and GSTR1) is just a click away with all the excel sheets of GSTR1 being created at the click of single Button. The GSTR Excel sheet is created exactly in the format provided by government of India, which can be downloaded from the ERP and can be uploaded in the GST system as it is without making any update in the file. This saves a lot of time and cost as no formatting, or compiling of data is required to make it compatible with the GST System.

- Features of SAM
- Modules on Offer
- Invoicing Features
- Accounting Features
- Inventory Reports
- Document Printing
- Special Features
- Reduce manual and spreadsheet-based processes by up to 70%.
- Single back office system including financials, fulfilment, inventory and sales.
- Daily cash balance visibility, using real-time dashboards and scorecards.
- Multi Companies Accounting
- Multiple Financial Years for each Company
- Customizable Dashboard.
- Keep track of your business debtors and creditors
- Customized Sale Bill setting
- HSN based automatic GST calculation.
- Facilitate more accuracy in forecasting.
- Directly Export any Report to MS Excel.
- Bird’s Eye View of Accounts.
- Being a cloud solution, it Save up to 90% in your IT costs associated with maintaining, integrating and upgrading separate applications Real-time visibility across the business, with 24/7 access from any browser on multiple devices.
- Sales
- Sales Order
- Sales Invoice
- Sales Return
- Supplementary Invoice
- Purchase
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Invoice
- Reverse Purchase
- Purchase Return
- Finance
- Vouchers (Cash, Bank, Journal)
- Debit Note/Credite Note
- PDC Processing
- Cheque Printing (with Log)
- Masters and Admin Panel
- Create UOM/Item Categories/Item Packing etc.
- Maintain HSN with GST Rates
- Create Items/Debtors/Creditors.
- Reports
- Finance Report
- Stock Reports
- GST Reports
- Cash/Credit Invoice
- Store/Godown wise Invoicing
- Agent/Salesman wise Invoicing
- Sale type wise Taxation criteria Invoicing
- Multiple-taxes in same Invoice
- Party wise Rate List setting
- Invoicing- Barcode wise, Art no. Wise or Item Name wise
- Auto calculation of Tax & other charges
- Negative stock billing Enable/Disable
- Stock Status as on Current Date/ Back Date
- Stock Status- Periodic i.e. ( Opening, Inflow, Outflow & Balance Stock)
- Stock Status- Store/Godown wise
- Item Below Minimum Level
- Item Below Order Level
- Item Flow Statement i.e. Full history of Inflow & Outflow of Single Item
- Item Ledger/Consolidated Report
- General Ledger Periodic- with Opening balance or without Opening balance
- Sundry Debtors/ Creditors Pending Payment List
- Trial Balance- Super Group wise, Group wise & Head Wise
- Cash Book, Combined Cash Book
- Bank Book, Journal Book, Sale Register, Purchase Purchase Register ...
- Final Reports- Trading A/c, Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet.
- Balance Sheet- Standard Format & User defined (Customised)
- GST Reports - 3B, GSTR1 (All sheets), HSN Wise Summary
- Cash Payment/Receipt Advice Printing
- Voucher Printing - Cash/Bank/Journal
- Cheque Printing (Customizable)
- Debit/Credit Note Printing
- Purchase Order/Sales Order Printing
- Estimate Printing
- Sales Invoice Printing
- Sales Return/Purchase Return Printing.
- Cash Payment/Receipt Advice Printing
- Voucher Printing - Cash/Bank/Journal
- Cheque Printing (Customizable)
- Debit/Credit Note Printing
- Purchase Order/Sales Order Printing
- Estimate Printing
- Sales Invoice Printing
- Sales Return/Purchase Return Printing.
- Auto Email to Cusotmers
- Auto SMS to Customers
- Barcode based Inventory
- POS Accounting for departmental stores
- IMEI Based Purchase/Sale of Mobiles
- Integrated Mobile App for Quick MIS Reporting
- Dedicated Post Implementation Support
- Free DMS to store Scanned Images