Garment Manufacturing Industry in India is considered to be one of the largest scale industries of the country employing nearly 8 million dedicated workers. Being such a vast industry, it has its own complexities and MLRS has come up with a ready to use Business Management Solution(BMS), tailor made for the Garment Industry. Handling all the complex functionalities of manufacturing cycle, the BMS Software handles all the processes of the Industry like Cutting, Stitching, Washing, Accessory Fitting, Pressing, Packing and Dispatch. The BMS is capable to share and collaberate with Internal and External Teams like Job workers for various processes being used by various Vendors.
The software is intelligently designed taking into consideration various processes being used in the Garment Manufacturing industry. The quick and accurate reporting system plays a vital role in decision making to take the organisation to new heights. The MLRS-BMS comes with user authorization where each user can be assigned specific rights for the smooth functioning of the system. A user trail is stored for each entry/modification/deletion in the BMS, which keeps track of user activities and helpful at times for tracing any invalid or incorrect entry.
Simplifying your Garment Business
Get in Touch
- Complete Inventory & Accounts Management
- Production Planning
- Sales and Dispatch
- Purchase
- Ordering
- RM Tracking for FG
- Barcode Inventory
- Group consolidation for Multi Company
- GST Return Filing

- Pricing
- Order Tracking
- Invoicing
- Multiple Pricing
- Deliveries
- Party Wise ,Product wise Discount Handling
- Provision for Bar-code Billing & Printing
- Dispatch
- Quotations
- Purchase Orders
- Date wise Purchase details
- Multiple Pricing
- Price Lists
- Import Handling
- Purchase Returns
- Material Receipt Note
- Issue Slip
- Delivery Challan
- Store Return
- Lot Management
- Physical Inventory Check
- Process Order Generation
- Initiate Job Card
- AutoCAD parameters
- Capture Shrinkage
- Internal and External Teams Job Cards
- Cutting/Stitching/Washing/ ..
- Pressing/ Packing
- Multiple Process Integration
- Auto Generation of 3B
- Auto Genertion of GSTR1
- Other GST Reports
Barcodes have become essential for many uses, not merely in retail.
- Use Barcodes for products, assets, Inventory.
- Print barcoded labels.
- Price Lists
- Handheld barcode scanners and printers.
- Configure barcodes as desired.
- Barcodes offer great utility across all functions
- Provision for Barcode Billing & Printing
- Approvals on the go
- Reminders for Customers
- Auto SMS on Invoice Generation
- Quick Reports for Customer Outstandings
- Item wise Inventory
- Fully Customizable Mobile Reports